DEAD LINE - 31 May

Norms of Redaction for Proceedings text

1. Presentation of the text

The original will have to be delivered in digital format (email, CD) following the following requirements:

•  Files MS Word for Macintosh or Windows recorded in doc or rtf extensions accompanied of a printed version on white leaves in A4 format.

•  Text typed whit 2 spacement between lines.

•  Retired paragraphs.

•  Summaries, bibliography and legends of illustrations in separate pages.

•  The CAA2005 edition will use the bibliographical citation system: author, date, page (v. forms), being admitted, when strict necessary, the inclusion of infrapaginais notes.

•  The notes will include brief notes and questions related with the original text, being numbered sequentially with numbers in exponent.

•  The bibliography, at the end of the article, must only contain the writing quoted in the text. The Spanish authors must be referred by the first nickname. Example:

GONZÁLEZ FERNÁNDEZ, J., ed. (1994) - Roma y las provincias: realidad administrativa. Madrid : Ediciones Clásicas.


6. Each original will have to present the following information of criteria in respects to:

1. Heading of the article. Example:

The Legacy of Leite Vasconcellos


2. Sub-heading (1.). Example:

1. Methodology


3. Sub-heading (1.1.). Example:

1.1. Manuscripts

4. Sub-heading (1.1.1.). Example:


1.1.1. Problems related with storage


7. To designate in the text the ideal place to enter each illustration, in order to respect it, as much as much possible, the ideia of the author (having in account the criterion that the illustration must appear after the text that relates it).

8. Admitted languages: English.

9. The articles (including illustrations) must have a maximum of 8 pages.

2. Bibliographical references

Are written in accordance with the Portuguese Norm of 1994 (NP 405-1).


1. Abbreviations

1. The use of initials in the proper names of the authors cited in the bibliography is requested.

2. When the bibliography includes two or more authors with the same nickname, the respective names will be indicated in extensive.

3. The titles of periodic publications my not be shortened.

2. Authorship

1. When the responsibility of the writhing is shared by a maximum of two authors, both will be referenced.

2. When the responsibility of the writhing is shared through more than three authors, the text body indicates only the name of the first one followed of the expression [et al.], while in the final bibliography, independently of ithere number, all the authors are indicated.


3. The titles of articles and monographs must be separate from the subs-titles by two points:

GONZÁLEZ FERNÁNDEZ, J., ed. (1994) - Roma y las provincias: realidad administrativa. Madrid : Ediciones Clásicas.


4. The literary publishers and compilers can be treated as authors if they appear detached in the heading page. In this case, to the name must be added: ed. or eds. when there is more than one editor/compiler:

CARRILERO MILLÁN, M. (1993) - Discusión sobre la formación social tartésica. In ALVAR, J.; BLÁZQUEZ, J. M.ª, eds. - Los enigmas de Tarteso. Madrid: Cátedra, p. 163-185.

GONZÁLEZ FERNÁNDEZ, J., ed. (1994) - Roma y las provincias: realidad administrativa. Madrid : Ediciones Clásicas.


3. Publication data


1. If the edition place and/or the publishing company aren't mentioned in the publication, use the following expressions:


Example: [ S.l.: s.n. ], 1980

Paris : [ s.n. ], 1990

[ S.l. ]: Hachette, 1986


2. If the year of publication isn't mentioned, the date it of impression is indicated, copyright or legal deposit:


Example: imp. 1987

cop. 1990

D.L. 1980


4.Series or collection


The series or collection where the writhing is enclosed is mentioned in the end of the reference, before the cited pages, as it appears in the document:

HEINZ, C.; THIÉBAULT, S.; VERNET, J.-L. (1993) - Gestion et dégradation de la forêt préhistorique méditerranéenne. In Le Néolithique au Quotidien. Paris: Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (Documents d'Archéologie Française; 39), p.12-18.


5. Examples:


1. Monographs


ALARCÃO, J. de (1988) - The Roman domain in Portugal . Lisboa: Europa-América, p. 139.


The main words in the headings of the monographs in English are initiated by capital letter:

BURNETT, A.; AMANDRY, M.; RIPOLLÈS, P. P. (1992) - Roman Provincial Coinage. Vol.1: from the Death of Caesar to the Death of Vitellius (44 B.C.-A.D. 69). London : British Museum ; Paris : Bibliothèque Nationale.


2. Contributions in monographs

H préhistorique méditerranéenne. In Le Néolithique au Quotidien. Paris : Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (Documents d'Archéologie Française; 39), p. 12-18.

•  Contributions in monographs with indication of publisher


CARRILERO MILLÁN, M. (1993) - Discusión on la formación social tartésica. In ALVAR, J.; BLÁZQUEZ, J. M.ª, eds. - Los enigmas of Tarteso. Madrid : Chair, p. 163-185.


•  Articles of publication in series


CARREIRA, J. R.; CARDOSO, J. L.; LOPES, F. P. (1996) –The prehistoric deposit of the Alto de Barronhos. Archaeological studies of Oeiras. 6, p. 301-316.


•  In the case of dealing with a magazine with the indication of volume and number, the reference will be made in the following way:

CARDOSO, M. (1965) – Frequent loss of precious species in our archaic jewellery. Revista de Guimarães. Guimarães. 75:1-4, p. 153-168.

4. Quotations

1. A quoting allows the identification of the publication where one got the idea, the excerpt, etc. Exact correspondence must exist between the quotation and the bibliographical reference of the respective document.

2. The name of the author, the year of the publication and the number (s) of the quoted page (s) must be placed in the text between parentheses. If the name of the author is integrated in the text, the year and the numbers of the pages will have to be placed, between parentheses.



(Sayas Abengochea, 1989, p. 50);

(Kalb and Höck, 1997, p. 420);

Some amphora's published by Guillermo Cardoso (1978, p. 75-78)...


3. If the bibliography contains some documents from same author edited in the same year, a letter from the alphabet is to be added to the year of publication it in the quotation and in the bibliographical references (198á, 1983b...).

4. In case that the cited books are not first editions, there is to be added to the date, in exponent, the number of the respective edition.

Example: (Alarcão, 1983 3 , p. 13).

5. The use of abbreviations from reference writings will be allowed in the text, they will have to be unfolded in the list of bibliographical references.




L'Année Épigraphique. Paris


British Museum Catalogue (followed by the correspondent specification, e.g. BMC Italy , etc., identifying the respective volume from the Catalogue of Greek Coins


Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum


VILLARONGA, L. (1994) - Corpus nummum Hispaniae ante Augusti aetatem . Barcelona


Ephemeris Epigraphica. Berlin


Ficheiro Epigráfico . Coimbra


Hispania Antiqua Epigraphica . Madrid


Hispania Epigraphica. Madrid


VIVES, J. (1969 2 ) - Inscripciones cristianas de la España romana y visigoda. Barcelona


VIVES, J. (1971-1972) - Inscripciones latinas de la España romana. Barcelona


ENCARNAÇÃO, J. d' (1984) - Inscrições romanas do conuentus Pacensis . Coimbra


DESSAU, H. - Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae


CARSON, R. A. G.; HILL, P. V.; KENT, J. P. C. (1962) - Late Roman Bronze Coinage. London


UNTERMANN, J. (1975- ) - Monumenta Linguarum Hispanicarum . Wiesbaden


JONES, A. H. M.; MARTINDALE, J. R. (1971- ) - The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire . Cambridge


MATTINGLY, H. [et al.] (1923- ) - The Roman Imperial Coinage. London.


ALFÖLDY, G. (1975) - Die römischen Inschriften von Tarraco . Berlin


BURNETT, A.; AMANDRY, M.; RIPOLLÈS, P. P. (1992- ) - Roman Provincial Coinage. London-Paris


CRAWFORD, M. H. (1974) - Roman Republican Coinage. Cambridge.


CRAWFORD, M. H. (1969) - Roman Republican Coin Hoards. Cambridge.


Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum ( followed by the corresponding specification , e.g. SNG ( Cop .)



6. Whenever a document wasn't consulted by the author and that the quotation is made by intermediary of another author, the quotations must be preceded by apud (in Latin, second or in agreement).


5. Presentation of dates

1. IPA's publications adopt the rules reported in the proposal about date references of radiocarbon approved in the 1. st Congress of Peninsular Archaeology (Works of Anthropology and Ethnology. Port. 35:2, 1995, p. 512):

1. The conventional dates of radiocarbon will be express in years BP (Before Present), the subtraction of 1950 to the conventional date is vividly dissuaded;

2. The absolute dates will have to be published followed by the laboratory references;

3. The calibrated dates of radiocarbon will have to be followed by the symbols cal BC, cal AD or cal BP, according to the case;

4. The calibration curve used will always have to be referred.

2. In the quotation of dates resultant from the application of other methods, the same elements required for the reference of dates of radiocarbon must be indicated (laboratory, number of the dating, obtained dates and margins of error), followed by the acronyms that usually identify the respective method (TL/U/Th, etc.).


3. Reference to chronological scale (example: III millennium, IV century, third quarter of II century, etc.), not expressly related to any specific date of radiocarbon, as such identified, or those that get synthesis of dates through different methods, will follow the Portuguese traditional system a.C. (before of Christ) and d.C. (after Christ).


6. Units of measure

A space between the numerals and the units of measure will have to be left, these will always be reproduced in small letters.

Examples: 2,4 m; 56,5 cm; 43 km2; 4,8 kg; 70 000 l.


7. Numerals

The ordinal the numerals and the cardinal ones (when these will not be followed by units of measure) will have to be represented in extensive, respectively, from the first one to the tenth and from one to ten (inclusively), and by numbers from this last number on.


8. Presentation of illustrations

1. The originals must allow reproduction, without loss of quality, to the size of the spot, that is of 23 cm x 15 cm for the monographic series as well as for the magazine, having to be included in it the occupied space for the composed legend.

2. The reproduction of drawings and photographs always will be made in one colour (black), apart from exceptional and properly justified cases.

3. Transparencies (slide) or tests in paper are accepted, in colours or black and white and in any format.

4. The authors will have to use preferentially, as cartographic base, copies of existing maps, avoiding the drawing of individual maps.

5. In the elaboration of the drawings, it is necessary to have in consideration the thickness of the traces and the size of numbers or letters in order to have good legibility in the reductions.

6. The figures will have to be supplied in comparable scales for archaeological documents of the same nature. Thus, as an example, the decorated ceramics drawings will be published to scale 1:2, being the plain ceramics reduced to 1:3.

Exceptions to this rule are the complete forms of vases of great dimensions (dolia, amphoras), who's reduction will be to scale 1:10 .

7. The images in digital format (drawings or photographs) must have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi for an equal minimum dimension to the width of the spot (15 cm) and to be delivered recorded in CD, DVD or floppy, in formats PSD, PNG, Pict, JPG, TIFF, RAW, EPS or vectorial EPS. All the images will have to be accompanied whit test print the black colour.

8. Whenever impossible to deliver in digital format, a print test will be necessary printed with minimum resolution of 300 x 300 dpi's or originals/copy's that guarantee quality for reproduction.

9. Drawings or photographs, pictures-frame and graphs will have to be sequentially numbered by the following criterion:

1. Drawings and/or photographs and/or graphs:


Fig. 1, 2...

A graphical scale in centimetres will have to appear in the figures.


•  Pictures-frames:

Picture 1, 2...


9. Pictures and tables

The headings of the pictures and tables must be centred, the remaining data lined up to the left and without thread to the high. Example:




Radiocarbon dating related with campaniform contexts of Estremadura and the south-western of Portugal


Ref. of the Laboratory

Type of sample

Archaeological context

Conventional date

Calibrated date * Method of distribution of probabilities




of 14 C (years BP)

1 s (cal BC)

2 s (cal BC)

Penha Verde








House 2


1968-1501 ; 1480-1458

2282-1258 ; 1234-1224





2573-2513 ; 2508-2461

2844-2827; 2620-2394


10. Delivery of the originals

Only the presented originals will be accepted for publication according to redaction norms that include:

1. Summary in Portuguese and English or French of the originals to publish in the magazine;

2. Original text;

3. Bibliography;

4. Legends of illustrations;

5. Illustrations.


11. Tests corrections

1. The conventional signals established by the Portuguese Norm of 1987 (Np-61) will have to be used.

2. The alterations to the original text will have to be prevented; as its costs will have to be debited the authors.

3. The copyholder of tests uses the red colour. The author is asked to use a different color.

4. The tests, that will be corrected by author's one time only, will have to be returned a maximum stated period of 15 days after there reception.